About the Event
Friday (5/17) will be spent with folks arriving and shuttling them to our secondary campsite. This is where we will start our march from the following morning.
Saturday (5/18) we will conduct a 5-mile march into the site, through Raymond following the path that the 7th took. We will then place ourselves on the east side of MS-18 (the old Utica Road) and conduct ourselves in the manner by which Gregg placed his troops. We will post pickets, details, and companies will drill. Sunday (5/19) we will recreate the attack made by the 7th across the original ground to an adjusted time table.
This will be a physical, mobile living history and all participants are expected to be adequately prepared for the event. Companies will be capped at 30 men each.
Regimental Organization:
Colonel – Sam Galyon (portraying Hiram Granbury)
Right Wing (under Herb Coats portraying Lt. Col. Moody)
Color Company: Jordan Harrell -- Co. C "Johnson Guards"
Joe Knight -- Co. I "Sabine Grays"
Charles Haywood Bush -- Co. D "Bass Grays"
Whit Barr -- Co. F "Lone Star Rebels"
Brian DesRochers -- Co. A/F (Consolidated) "Waco Rifles"
"The Bass Grays: An Economic, Social, and Demographic Profile of Company D, Seventh Texas Infantry" by Andrew Lang (East Texas Historical Journal)
Begins on page 72. (PDF)
“Force Without Fanfare: The Autobiography of K. M. Van Zandt” by K. M. Van Zandt
“Intrepid Gray Warriors: The 7th Texas Infantry, 1861-1865” by James Lynn Newsom
“In Their Own Words: Soldiers Tell the Story of the Battle of Raymond” by Rebecca B. Drake
“A Soldier’s Story of the Siege of Vicksburg: From the Diary of Osborn H. Oldroyd” by Osborn H. Oldroyd
“Letters to Mollie: The Letters of Edward Thomas Broughton to Mary Elizabeth Douglas Broughton (1861-1864)” compiled by Mary Lee Anderson Barnes, Great Granddaughter, 1989