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Want to Join The Trans-Miss Hellcats??

So you want to join the mess? Here are the by-laws and general guides to join!!

  1. The goal of this organization to be the best researched and reliable mess operating in the Trans-Mississippi. Our objective is to create an authentic experience for all mess members with adjuncts, company efforts, and events. In keeping with Keith Borgers’ memory, our final directive is to ensure that we mentor and cultivate an educational experience for younger members to want to pursue more in this hobby and our own history. 

  2. Membership

    1. Membership into the Trans-Miss Hellcats will be based on a two-platform system. The first will be based on attendance. The second, on votes cast by members. 

      1. Attendance: In order to maintain “full membership” status in the Trans-Miss Hellcats, individuals must attend two (2) “max effort” events and two (2) “Hellcat efforts” a year. The importance of each event will be voted on by the majority of the mess at the beginning of each year. 

      2. Member Votes: New members must first complete the above attendance portion before submitting a request to join. Once done, each member of the mess holding “full membership” status will vote on the individuals’ request to join. The mess must reach a ¾ consensus on the individual before acceptance is granted. If the response is negative, the individual will be notified, and they are welcome to resubmit their request after two (2) more events participating with the mess for a revote. 

  3. Event Calendar 

    1. Events will be compiled from the AC website and via word of mouth to be added to a Hellcat Event Calendar. Each event will be voted on by all members of the mess to determine which should be “max effort” and “Hellcat efforts.” Each member gets four (4) votes, two (2) for their “max effort” and two (2) for their “Hellcat effort” votes. The events that hold the majority will have precedence. 

  4. Command Structure 

    1. For the next two (2) years, all major Hellcat efforts will operate under the following command structure. The reasoning for this is to ensure that all mess members are aware of the chain of command and cultivate a mentorship for those going forward. Following June 2021, we will hold elections for positions in the mess. This will hopefully facilitate Keith’s vision of the mess being the old teaching the young and be the best we can be. This will also create a core group of guys who will assist each other in coordinating events and other company efforts. 

    2. Command Structure for the next two (2) years is as follows:

      1. Captain: Sam Galyon 

      2. Lieutenant: Hunter Kramer 

      3. Sergeant: Jordan Harrell 

      4. 1st Corporal: Cameron Wilcox

      5. 2nd Corporal: Jonas Patrick 

  5. Newsletter

    1. All Trans-Miss Hellcats event planning, company efforts, calendar, etc. information will be sent out on a monthly newsletter via email. All mess business will be conducted via email to ensure that matters are dealt with efficiently and to the best of our abilities. Mess elections and new membership votes will be taken via this form of communication as well, to ensure a level of privacy in voting. 

  6. Probation of Members

    1. ​Charges that can be brought to the attention of the mess staff which will initiate a probationary period: 

      1. Slander towards others on social media platforms.

      2. Excessive Drunkenness at events.

      3. Destruction of event property.

      4. Not following park or event rules.

    2. What the probation entails: 

      1. The term of the probation will last for one (1) calendar year which starts once the charges have been sent to the offender.

      2. All membership status will be striped from the offender and they will be treated as a new recruit seeking full membership status with the mess.

      3. The offender will be required to write an apologetic letter to parties involved. If destruction of property is involved, said offender will be responsible for paying or fixing the damage.

      4. Once the probation period is completed, the offender will be allowed to submit a request to be voted back into the mess by the members. If the membership does not vote the offender back into the mess by a two-thirds majority, he will be automatically dismissed from the mess. If the offender has any infractions that arises during the probationary period, the offender will be automatically dismissed from the group.

      5. The offender can dispute the charges, however, the offender must have tangible evidence of the offence.

      6. In order for the appointed staff members to bring up charges, they must have evidence and present a case to the full staff. For the charges to be approved and probationary status installed, it is to be voted on by all members of the staff and must be passed with a majority rule. Once the probation has been approved, and an email with the charges and probation has been sent to the offender, they have 48 hours to respond. If the offender does not respond, a phone call will be made and the offender notified of the charges alleged against them initiating the probationary proceedings.

    3. Probationary members are still allowed to attend events with the mess, and are advised to do so, in that it will allow mess members and the staff to gauge the progress of the individual towards regaining full-member status. ​

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